Global Warming Unveiled: Causes, Consequences, and Combating Climate Change

Sustainability Keynote Speakers

Global Warming Unveiled: Causes, Consequences, and Combating Climate Change’ is a comprehensive exploration of the historical development of our understanding of global warming, the multifaceted causes contributing to current climate change, the wide-ranging impacts on our planet, and the innovative strategies being pursued to mitigate and adapt to these changes. This article delves into the evolution of the climate crisis, from early scientific notions to present-day global efforts, while also addressing common questions and clarifying key concepts related to this pressing global issue.

Key Takeaways

  • The history of global warming is rich and complex, starting from the 19th century to the formation of the IPCC and beyond, reflecting a growing awareness and scientific understanding of climate change.
  • Human activities, notably the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, are primary drivers of the unprecedented release of greenhouse gases, leading to global warming.
  • Climate change manifests through various environmental impacts, including melting ice caps, rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss, with significant socioeconomic repercussions.
  • Distinguishing between global warming and climate change is crucial; the former refers to the rise in Earth’s surface temperature, while the latter encompasses broader shifts in climate patterns.
  • International responses such as the Paris Agreement, along with innovative solutions and sustainable practices, are key to combating climate change and building a resilient future.

The Historical Tapestry of Global Warming

The Early Notions (19th Century)

The 19th century marked the dawn of scientific inquiry into the Earth’s climate and the potential for human influence on it. The concept of global warming began to take shape, with scientists pondering the effects of carbon dioxide on Earth’s temperature. One key figure was Eunice Newton Foote, who, in the 1850s, suggested that changing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could affect climate.

Foote’s experiments were rudimentary but pivotal, leading to a greater understanding of the greenhouse gases and their role in climate regulation. This early research laid the groundwork for future scientific endeavors.

The realization that human activities could influence the climate was a significant turning point in environmental science.

While these early notions were not immediately acted upon, they sparked a curiosity that would grow into the comprehensive field of climate science we know today.

Svante Arrhenius and the Greenhouse Effect (1896)

In the late 19th century, Svante Arrhenius revolutionized our understanding of the Earth’s climate. His seminal work in 1896 proposed that the burning of fossil fuels could lead to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, which in turn could raise global temperatures. This hypothesis marked the first time a scientist had made a connection between human industrial activities and potential changes in climate.

Arrhenius’s theory was based on the earlier work of scientists like Joseph Fourier and John Tyndall, who had identified certain gases that trap heat within the Earth’s atmosphere, akin to a greenhouse.

While Arrhenius’s calculations were not as precise as modern-day climate models, they were crucial in establishing the concept of human-induced climate change. His insights laid the groundwork for over a century of climate science research, highlighting the importance of greenhouse gases in regulating Earth’s temperature.

The Mid-20th Century Concerns (1950s-1960s)

During the 1950s and 1960s, a pivotal shift in the understanding of Earth’s climate began to take shape. Scientists, including Charles David Keeling, initiated precise measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide at the Mauna Loa Observatory. Keeling’s data unveiled a relentless upward trend in CO2 levels, which he linked to the combustion of fossil fuels. This discovery was instrumental in raising the alarm about potential long-term climatic alterations.

The correlation between rising carbon dioxide concentrations and global warming became increasingly evident. Researchers started to question the role of human activities in these changes, setting the stage for future climate research and policy.

The consistent increase in carbon dioxide was a clear sign that the Earth’s climate could be on a trajectory towards significant change.

While the scientific community was converging on the importance of greenhouse gases, the broader public and political recognition of global warming was still nascent. The following list highlights key developments during this era:

  • Establishment of systematic CO2 monitoring
  • Recognition of the greenhouse gas effect on climate
  • Initial discussions on the impact of human activities
  • Emergence of climate change as a scientific concern

The Formation of IPCC (1988)

In 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established as a pivotal response to the growing concerns over climate change. This global body was tasked with evaluating the risk of climate change caused by human activity. The IPCC’s role in synthesizing climate research and providing guidance to policymakers has been instrumental in shaping global climate policy.

  • The IPCC assesses scientific information related to climate change.
  • It establishes a scientific consensus on climate change impacts and potential future risks.
  • It offers strategies for mitigation and adaptation.

The formation of the IPCC marked a significant milestone in the global recognition of climate change as a pressing issue that necessitates collective action.

Kyoto Protocol (1997)

The Kyoto Protocol was a pivotal moment in the history of international climate policy. Adopted in 1997, it was the first agreement to set legally binding emission reduction targets for developed countries. The protocol aimed to lower emissions of six greenhouse gases, with the goal of mitigating the adverse effects of global warming.

The Kyoto Protocol represented a collective commitment to address the urgent issue of climate change through international cooperation.

Despite its groundbreaking nature, the protocol faced significant challenges, including the reluctance of some nations to ratify it and the absence of binding commitments for developing countries. Nevertheless, it established a framework for subsequent climate agreements and highlighted the need for global unity in combating climate change.

  • Set binding targets for developed countries
  • Targeted six key greenhouse gases
  • Laid the groundwork for future agreements
  • Faced challenges in implementation and participation

The 21st Century: Accelerating Impacts and Agreements

As the 21st century unfolded, the world began to see an acceleration of global warming impacts, with a notable increase in rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and the frequency of extreme weather events. The urgency of these changes spurred international efforts to form agreements aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change.

One of the most significant milestones was the Paris Agreement in 2015, where nations collectively pledged to limit global temperature increases to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. This commitment marked a pivotal moment in the global response to climate change.

The history of global warming has evolved into an urgent call to action, demanding a transition to renewable energy, sustainable practices, and robust global collaboration.

The present era is characterized by a heightened awareness and a focus on innovative solutions. Policymakers, scientists, and the public are now more engaged than ever, with the following key developments:

  • Refinement of climate models
  • Crafting of ambitious climate action plans
  • Growing public demand for transformative change

The Paris Agreement and subsequent conferences, such as COP28, have been instrumental in reviewing progress and setting the stage for future actions. Despite the challenges, there is a clear trajectory towards a more sustainable future, underpinned by the lessons learned from past efforts and the pressing need to address the unequal distribution of climate change impacts.

Present Challenges and Future Prospects

As we stand at the crossroads of climate action, the present challenges are as daunting as the future prospects are critical. The urgency to act is underscored by the escalating impacts of global warming, which demand a multifaceted approach to mitigation and adaptation.

  • Reducing net greenhouse gas emissions to at least 55% below 1990 levels by 2030;
  • Improving the share of renewable energy use;
  • Increasing energy efficiency;

These steps are pivotal in shaping a sustainable future. The path forward is marked by the need for innovative solutions and a fundamental shift towards sustainable practices. The history of global warming is not just a record of past events but an urgent call to action for the security of our planet.

The international community’s response to climate change will define our collective ability to forge a resilient and sustainable world for generations to come.

Unraveling the Causes of Climate Change

The Role of Fossil Fuels and Industrialization

The advent of the Industrial Revolution marked a pivotal shift in human history, with fossil fuels acting as the cornerstone of this era. The industrialization process, heavily reliant on coal, oil, and natural gas, brought about significant advancements in technology and economic growth. However, this progress came at a cost to the environment, as the burning of fossil fuels became a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global warming.

The transition away from fossil fuels is not only necessary for the health of our planet but also for the well-being of future generations.

The following table illustrates the increase in carbon dioxide emissions over time, underscoring the impact of industrial activities:

Year CO2 Emissions (Gigatonnes)
1850 0.2
1900 2.0
1950 6.0
2000 28.0
2020 36.0

As we grapple with the consequences of our past actions, it is imperative that we seek sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels and implement strategies that promote a greener economy.

Deforestation and Land Use Changes

Deforestation and changes in land use are significant contributors to global warming. The removal of forests for agriculture, logging, and urban expansion releases vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, previously stored in trees and soil. This process not only contributes to the increase in greenhouse gases but also reduces the Earth’s capacity to absorb carbon, exacerbating the warming effect.

Land use changes also include the draining of wetlands and conversion of natural landscapes into monocultures, which diminishes biodiversity and disrupts ecosystems. The impact of these activities is not just local but global, as they alter the Earth’s albedo effect and water cycles, leading to further climatic changes.

  • Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing CO2.
  • Deforestation reduces biodiversity and disrupts ecosystems.
  • Changes in land use can alter local and global climate patterns.

The challenge lies not only in halting deforestation but also in managing land sustainably to balance human needs with environmental preservation.

Agricultural Practices and Methane Emissions

Agricultural activities are a significant source of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Livestock, particularly ruminants such as cows and sheep, produce methane through enteric fermentation. Manure management also contributes to methane emissions, as the decomposition of organic waste in anaerobic conditions produces this gas.

Manure management practices are crucial in mitigating methane emissions from agriculture. There are several strategies to reduce these emissions, including:

  • Covering manure storage facilities
  • Implementing anaerobic digesters
  • Utilizing aerobic treatment methods
  • Flaring the methane produced

It is essential to consider the environmental and economic impacts when selecting a manure management practice to ensure sustainability and effectiveness.

The challenge lies in balancing the need for agricultural productivity with the imperative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Innovations in farming practices and technology are continually being developed to address this issue.

The Contribution of Industrial Processes

Industrial processes contribute significantly to global warming through the release of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. The manufacturing sector, in particular, is a major emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other harmful substances. These emissions arise from the use of fossil fuels for energy, as well as from chemical reactions involved in producing materials like cement, steel, and plastics.

Industrialization has led to increased production and consumption, which in turn has escalated the demand for energy and raw materials. This cycle perpetuates the release of emissions, exacerbating climate change. Efforts to mitigate these effects include transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and adopting circular economy principles.

The challenge lies in balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability, ensuring that industrial advancements do not come at the cost of our planet’s health.

The following list outlines key areas where industrial processes impact global warming:

  • Energy production and consumption
  • Mobility and transport
  • Food production and agriculture
  • The built environment and urban development
  • Waste management and recycling

Addressing these areas through sustainable practices is crucial for reducing the industrial sector’s carbon footprint and combating global warming.

The Multifaceted Impacts of Global Warming

Melting Ice Caps and Rising Sea Levels

The phenomenon of melting ice caps and rising sea levels is one of the most visible and alarming signs of global warming. As the planet warms, ice sheets and glaciers are retreating at an unprecedented rate, contributing to higher sea levels that threaten coastal communities and ecosystems.

  • Melting ice caps and glaciers
  • Expansion of seawater as it warms

These two primary factors related to global warming are reshaping our planet’s geography and could lead to the displacement of millions of people. The situation is exacerbated by the loss of undersea anchors of ice in Antarctica, which are diminishing rapidly, allowing land ice to slip into the ocean more easily.

The urgency to address the rise in sea levels is underscored by the potential for widespread socioeconomic disruption and the loss of habitats critical for biodiversity.

Extreme Weather Events and Natural Disasters

The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events have escalated, with 2023 marking a historic year for U.S. billion-dollar weather and climate disasters. The Southern / Midwestern Drought and Heat Wave and the early March Severe Weather in the Southern and Eastern regions stand out for their staggering economic toll.

With record high temperatures and billion-dollar catastrophic weather events becoming more common, the imperative for climate action intensifies.

The financial repercussions are profound, as damages from 2023’s extreme weather events in the U.S. alone amounted to $93 billion. This figure is part of a broader trend that has seen the cumulative cost of weather disasters exceed $2.7 trillion over the past four decades. Such economic strains underscore the urgency for progress in climate action, beyond mere disclosure of material climate risks.

Ecosystem Disruptions and Biodiversity Loss

Global warming has precipitated profound disruptions across various ecosystems, leading to significant biodiversity loss. Forced to leave their natural habitats, many species now face the threat of extinction—a stark indicator of the impact on the planet’s biodiversity.

Climate change has already altered marine, terrestrial, and freshwater ecosystems around the world, causing species losses and declines in key ecosystem services. Coral reefs, which are vital for marine biodiversity, have been particularly affected, with rising temperatures accelerating their deterioration.

Restoration efforts are crucial for all ecosystems, including forests, agricultural land, and marine environments. These efforts are framed as living and producing together with nature, improving biodiversity across all land and sea areas.

The following list highlights some of the key ecosystems affected by global warming:

  • Coral Reefs
  • Forests
  • Grasslands
  • Tundra
  • Freshwater ecosystems

Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach, including international cooperation, innovative solutions, and a fundamental shift in how we interact with our environment.

Socioeconomic Effects and Human Health Risks

The repercussions of global warming extend far beyond the environmental sphere, deeply affecting the socioeconomic fabric and the health of populations. Certain groups are more vulnerable than others to the health impacts of climate change due to factors like income, education, and access to health care. These disparities are encapsulated in the concept of distributional justice, which highlights the unequal burden of climate risks on lower-income households.

Economic assessments often fail to fully capture the ‘missing risks’ associated with climate change. These include the profound consequences for lives and livelihoods that are difficult to quantify but are nonetheless critical.

The relationship between poverty and pollution is a stark example of these inequalities. Despite overall improvements in air quality, monitoring data reveals that the poorest regions in the EU still experience higher concentrations of PM2.5 compared to wealthier areas. This persistent correlation between poverty and pollution levels underscores the regressive nature of environmental impacts.

Vulnerable communities and disadvantaged groups, who contribute least to environmental degradation, are poised to shoulder the significant costs of adapting to climate change. This includes dealing with the consequences of pollution and the need for environmental restoration, further exacerbating existing socioeconomic disparities.

Navigating the Complexities of Climate Change

Differentiating Global Warming and Climate Change

While global warming and climate change are terms that are often used interchangeably, they refer to different phenomena. Global warming is the specific increase in Earth’s surface temperature, primarily due to human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. Climate change, on the other hand, is a broader term that includes not only global warming but also a wide range of other changes in the Earth’s system.

Climate change encompasses alterations in global weather patterns, growing seasons, and various climatic conditions, including the rise in sea level and the expansion of warmer oceans.

Understanding the distinction between these terms is crucial for grasping the full scope of the environmental challenges we face. Here are some key differences:

  • Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth’s average temperature.
  • Climate change refers to any long-term change in Earth’s climate, which can include changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and more.

Both global warming and climate change have serious implications for our planet, and addressing them requires a comprehensive and informed approach.

Key Indicators of Climatic Shifts

Understanding the key indicators of climate change is crucial for tracking the health of our planet. Global temperature increases stand as a stark testament to the changes occurring globally. Alongside this, rising sea levels and the loss of ice in polar regions and mountain glaciers are tangible evidence of the warming world.

  • Global temperature rise
  • Sea level rise
  • Ice loss in polar regions
  • Increased frequency of extreme weather events
  • Changes in cloud and vegetation cover

These indicators collectively paint a picture of a planet undergoing significant climatic shifts, with consequences that extend far beyond the environment.

The complexity of these indicators means that they are often interrelated, with changes in one area affecting others. For instance, the loss of ice contributes to rising sea levels, which in turn can lead to more severe weather events. Recognizing and understanding these connections is vital for developing effective strategies to combat climate change.

The Paris Agreement and International Response

The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015, marked a pivotal moment in the international response to climate change. Nations across the globe committed to limit global temperature increases to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, with efforts to further limit the increase to 1.5 degrees. This ambitious goal necessitates a collective effort and significant financial support, particularly for developing countries.

One of the critical aspects of the Paris Agreement is the financial commitment from developed nations to support those that are developing. The aim is to fulfil the global commitment of mobilising USD 100 billion per year by 2025 to help developing countries deal with the effects of climate change.

The success of the Paris Agreement hinges on the transparency and accountability of each nation’s commitments, as well as the robustness of the review mechanisms in place.

The ratification of the Paris Agreement by major emitters like the United States and China sent a strong signal of their readiness to tackle climate change. However, the subsequent withdrawal of the United States under the Trump administration highlighted the challenges of maintaining a unified international front.

Innovative Solutions and Sustainable Practices

In the face of escalating climate concerns, innovative solutions and sustainable practices are being pursued with renewed vigor. These strategies are not only aimed at mitigating the effects of global warming but also at transforming our societies and economies in a way that aligns with environmental stewardship.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, are at the forefront of this transformation, offering a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. Sustainable transportation systems, including electric vehicles and improved public transit, are reducing emissions and air pollution. Additionally, waste management and recycling initiatives are crucial in minimizing the environmental impact of our consumption patterns.

Embracing these solutions requires a multifaceted approach that involves individuals, businesses, and governments working together to foster a sustainable future.

Here are some key areas of focus for climate change prevention:

  • Renewable energies
  • Sustainable transportation
  • Air pollution prevention
  • Waste Management & recycling
  • Sea and Ocean conservation

Frequently Asked Questions: Clarifying Climate Concepts

What is global warming?

Global warming is the term used to describe the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, particularly fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere. This rise in temperature is not just a concern for our comfort but a catalyst for widespread environmental alterations.

Global warming is often used interchangeably with climate change, but the two phenomena are not identical. While global warming refers specifically to the Earth’s increasing surface temperature, climate change includes global warming as well as the broader range of changes that are happening to our planet.

A warmer planet doesn’t just raise temperatures. From wildfires to flooding to coral bleaching, here are some real-world implications.

The effects of global warming are numerous and interconnected, ranging from natural systems being thrown out of balance to severe weather events. These impacts are not just environmental but also have profound socioeconomic implications.

How has the Earth’s temperature changed recently?

In recent times, the Earth’s temperature has undergone a significant and rapid increase. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports a 0.6-degree surge in just 9 years, a rate that doubles the climate change pace of the previous century. This alarming acceleration is a clear indicator of the intensifying effects of global warming.

The Earth’s temperature has risen by an average of 0.11 Fahrenheit (0.06 Celsius) per decade since 1850, amounting to approximately 2 degrees Fahrenheit in total.

The year 2023 stands out as a stark milestone, marking the warmest year on record since reliable measurements began. This trend is not an isolated event but part of a consistent upward trajectory in global temperatures, underscoring the urgency for climate action.

  • Recent Temperature Changes:
    • 0.6-degree increase in 9 years
    • Doubling of climate change pace compared to last century
    • 2023 as the warmest year on record

What’s the difference between global warming and climate change?

While the terms global warming and climate change are often used interchangeably, they refer to different phenomena. Global warming is the increase in Earth’s surface temperature, primarily due to the emission of greenhouse gases from human activities. Climate change, on the other hand, is a broader term that includes global warming but also encompasses a wide range of other changes such as shifts in weather patterns, sea level rise, and altered growing seasons.

Climate change refers to the broader range of changes that are happening to our planet, which includes but is not limited to global warming.

Understanding the distinction between these terms is crucial for grasping the full scope of the challenges we face. Global warming is a key aspect of climate change, and it’s a driving force behind many of the changes we are witnessing today.

What causes climate change?

The primary driver of climate change is human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. This process releases large quantities of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2), into the atmosphere, leading to an enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming. Deforestation and land use changes further contribute to the rise in atmospheric CO2, disrupting the natural carbon cycle.

Industrial processes and agricultural activities also play significant roles, emitting other potent greenhouse gases such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). These gases trap heat more effectively than CO2, exacerbating the warming effect.

While natural processes and external forcings can influence climate patterns, the overwhelming consensus among scientists is that the recent changes are primarily due to human actions.

The following list outlines the key human-induced factors causing climate change:

  • Combustion of fossil fuels
  • Deforestation and land use changes
  • Industrial processes
  • Agricultural practices

Each of these factors contributes to the accumulation of greenhouse gases, which are the central force behind the warming of our planet.

What are key indicators of climate change?

Understanding the indicators of climate change is crucial for measuring the extent and impact of this global issue. Key indicators include global temperature increases, rising sea levels, and polar ice loss, which are direct consequences of the warming trend. These indicators are not just numbers; they represent the profound changes our planet is undergoing.

  • Global temperature increases
  • Rising sea levels
  • Polar ice loss
  • Changes in extreme weather patterns
  • Alterations in cloud and vegetation cover

These indicators are essential for tracking the progression of climate change and formulating appropriate responses.

The observed changes in climate are often linked with human activities, particularly the combustion of fossil fuels, which lead to increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. While natural processes can influence climate change, human actions have become the dominant force in recent shifts.

When did the concept of global warming emerge?

The seeds of understanding global warming were sown in the 19th century, when scientists first began to grasp the Earth’s atmospheric dynamics. Joseph Fourier, a French mathematician, introduced the idea in 1824 that the Earth’s atmosphere could retain heat like a greenhouse. This concept was further developed by John Tyndall, who identified gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor as key contributors to this effect.

Svante Arrhenius, in 1896, made a pivotal connection between industrial activities and the potential for global warming, marking a significant milestone in the history of climate science. His work laid the foundation for future research and public awareness on the impact of human activities on the Earth’s climate.

The understanding of global warming has evolved significantly since its early notions, reflecting the complex interplay between scientific discovery and societal recognition of environmental issues.

When did concerns about global warming escalate?

Concerns about global warming began to take shape in the mid-20th century, as scientific evidence started to link human activities with climatic changes. Charles David Keeling’s meticulous measurements at the Mauna Loa Observatory provided undeniable data of rising carbon dioxide levels, a trend closely associated with the burning of fossil fuels.

The realization that these changes could have long-term impacts on the Earth’s climate spurred a new sense of urgency among scientists and policymakers.

By the 1970s, climate change had emerged as a political issue, with activist and formal efforts converging to address environmental crises on a global scale. This period marked a significant escalation in the concern for global warming, leading to the establishment of various international frameworks and agreements aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change.

Do you have pressing questions about climate change, sustainability, or ethical business practices? Our ‘Frequently Asked Questions: Clarifying Climate Concepts’ section is designed to provide you with clear, actionable insights. Dive deeper into these critical topics and join the conversation by visiting our website. Together, we can foster a more sustainable and ethical future. Click here to explore more and become part of the solution!


As we have explored throughout this article, global warming and climate change are not just buzzwords but critical issues that demand immediate and sustained action. The journey from the early notions of climate change in the 19th century to the present day has been marked by significant scientific advancements and a growing understanding of the human impact on our planet. The consequences of a warming world are already evident in the melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events that threaten our ecosystems, economies, and societies. However, the history of global warming is also a testament to human resilience and ingenuity. The formation of the IPCC, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement are milestones that highlight our capacity for international collaboration and collective action. As we face the present challenges and look to future prospects, it is clear that the path forward must be paved with innovative solutions, sustainable practices, and a commitment to transforming our societies for the betterment of the environment and future generations. The time for debate has passed; now is the time for decisive action to combat climate change and secure a sustainable future for all.

Frequently Asked Questions: Clarifying Climate Concepts

What is global warming?

Global warming is the specific increase in Earth’s surface temperature over time, primarily due to human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

How has the Earth’s temperature changed recently?

In recent decades, the Earth’s temperature has shown a significant upward trend, with the last few years being among the warmest on record. This warming is attributed to human-induced factors.

What’s the difference between global warming and climate change?

Global warming refers to the increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature due to human activities, while climate change includes a broader range of environmental changes such as altered weather patterns, sea level rise, and shifts in wildlife populations.

What causes climate change?

Climate change is caused by factors such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes that release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as well as natural processes like volcanic eruptions and solar radiation variations.

What are key indicators of climate change?

Key indicators of climate change include rising global surface temperatures, shrinking ice sheets, glacial retreat, rising sea levels, increased frequency of extreme weather events, and changes in plant and animal behavior.

When did the concept of global warming emerge?

The concept of global warming emerged in the 19th century, but it gained significant attention in the late 20th century as scientific evidence of human-induced warming became more apparent.

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